Hola Familia!! This week we had interviews with President and it was super good. He asked me what I had been studying in my personal study and I shared 3 Nephi 27 about how Jesus asks what type of hombre are we and how early in the chapter Jesus tells us to do the things that He did and Pres invited me to read the New Testament as well and that it would change my life and help me become like Christ if I really focus on the things He did and what kind of person he was. So I started and I've only read 5 chapters of Matthew but it is SO AWESOME and I've learned so much. I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY.
Well this week we had all these investigators to go to church and NO ONE went so we were like dang...2 weeks in a row, no one going to church but we prayed for a miracle and then after sacrament mtg they tell us that this girl (who the week before every one told us she was a member) apparently isn't a member! So then we talked to her and nope she's not! Her mom is less active but it was cool cause in the class they stood up and talked about how this year they want to change and be happier and the first step is going to church! So that was really exciting.
My companion got your package at our district mtg and the whole time she was guarding it. IT WAS SO FUNNY. Someone would touch it and she would be like HEY! THATS MINE. And then later that night she opened it and LOOOOOOVEDDDD IT. I did too. She was soooooo happy so thanks a lot for sending that. She's such a good person.
Well that's about all for now. Love you all, have a good week!
Love, Kelci
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